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Final motion graphics project

In class we were tasked in making a video in Adobe After Effects that demonstrated the functions of a fictional app. Our app was called Pet Vibes, I worked with four other members on this project. I was tasked with creating animations that would show during the demonstration portion of the app. These animations were meant to represent the cat’s current mood. The actual blue cat logo circle was made by another member of the team, but I was tasked with animating it.  There are three animations, the cat being curious, the cat being happy and the cat being sleepy and wanting a nap. I also key masked in the high-fidelity screens also made by another member onto the phone screen. Highlights were also added to the app text. This clip shows the app screen loading up, scanning the cat and showing the cat’s mood and wants on the phone. 

Promotional video 

This project involved creating a promotional video. For this class assignment the product could be something real or fictional. I chose to make a video promotion about a fictional remote that can change the weather at will. A giant remote prop was created for the video. The overall style and tone of the video was made to be light hearted and positive.

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